The variety of organizations involved in quantum computing demonstrates the vast reach this technology will have once commercialized at scale
At Quantum.Tech, attendees heard from a diverse
group of speakers from established companies directly involved in the quantum
computing space, such as IBM (NYSE: IBM) and Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT), as well
as startups, such as Zapata Computing and IQM Quantum Computers. In addition to
encouraging great minds to work together, Quantum.Tech did an excellent job of
demonstrating the sheer magnitude of reach that quantum technologies will have
once unleashed. There were speakers from multiple government agencies, both
within and outside of the U.S., as well as from healthcare, banking, venture
capital, telecom and security companies. These organizations have a vast reach
and are also just a small representation of the sheer volume of industries
quantum technologies will impact. Time and time again, these speakers noted
that the commercialization of a fault-tolerant quantum computer is expected to
be achieved within the next 10 years, indicating that economic advantage is on
our doorstep and that large-scale quantum adoption is just around the corner.
Quantum sensing will change human activity and has changed centuries-old standards definitions
Atomic clocks,
quantum sensors and lidar (light detection and ranging) were several of the
small-scale quantum technologies discussed, in addition to the general-purpose
quantum computing, networking and security aspects of mainstream computing use
cases. Quantum-enabled lidar appears reminiscent of early radar technology
first brought to market during World War II and the great-great-grandparent to
current GPS technology. Quantum-enabled lidar will be adopted traditionally,
being put to use for military applications first, then moving to commercial
aircraft and ultimately over to automobiles, drones and other modes of human
During a discussion at Quantum.Tech, RSK, a civil engineering firm in the U.K., indicated it already uses quantum sensing technology for site assessments. These mid-six-figure devices pay for themselves in six months to a year, and in at least one situation, the $10,000 to $15,000 fee for service enabled the client to gain information that previously would have entailed risking $5 million for a project to uncover. Later in the talk, the device was also shown being towed behind an automobile mapping the ground below the road. In this fashion, municipalities can pinpoint areas where water or sewer lines are leaking, for example.
Quantum.Tech spanned two days with three discrete presentation tracks for over 400 attendees. There was a smattering of references to existing commercial products amid discussions about persistent challenges being researched around the globe. Academics, government agencies, technology companies, venture capitalists (VCs) and enterprise businesses had their turns to discuss the challenges and anticipated benefits of quantum computing. The general tenor of the event was one of tempered optimism. Advancements continue, challenges persist, and the pace of scientific breakthroughs can be uneven. Concerns were expressed about over-hyping the technology while working on real scientific obstacles taking months, if not years, to solve. Hyping the expected pace of discovery could trigger a “quantum winter,” with VCs pulling back necessary funding for long-term developments as hype leads to unrealistic expectations of rapidly tangible results.