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How Telecom Infrastructure Service Companies Can Win in 2023

In this white paper, we apply our expertise in the market and our learnings from those engagements to provide a playbook for how TIS vendors can win in 2023 and beyond. We analyze the trends facing the market, outline how we believe vendors can align themselves to compete, and share tactical steps on how to put this playbook into action.

State of Competitive (CI) & Market Intelligence (MI) in 2023

We compiled this report by surveying our TBR client service teams in February 2023 to better understand what is going on within the CI/MI organizations they serve. We captured data inputs on approximately 50 large global technology firms, collectively representing billions of dollars in annual revenue and millions of total employees.

Top 10 Impacts for CI & MI Teams in 2023

In February of 2023 TBR surveyed its clean service teams on the state of competitive and market intelligence in 2023. One megatrend stood out in those results — change. In this blog post, we address the megatrend of change and dive into 10 subtopics that standout.

Challenges Facing Telecom Infrastructure Services Vendors

While the specific challenges differ by vendor, geography and/or TIS service line, TBR consistently hears about four major pain points that are broadly impacting most providers of telecom infrastructure services: wage and benefits inflation, worker and subcontractor shortages, navigating government incentives and stimulus, and ability to differentiate.

Build a Successful GSI Alliance Program in 5 Steps

TBR views the path to a successful GSI alliance program as a five-step process, with many small steps, tasks and requirements associated with each step. Technology vendors may be anywhere in this journey, depending on the maturity of their GSI alliance program, if they have one. It should be noted that this is our perspective, based on the support we have given companies along this journey with our research and advisory services. We have drawn elements of this framework from ASAP’s Alliance Life Cycle framework to make it specific to ISV-GSI partnerships.