Entries by Chris Antlitz, Principal Analyst

Webinar: Hyperscalers are reimagining how networks are built, owned and operated

Hyperscalers are building end-to-end networks that embody all attributes and characteristics coveted by communication service providers as part of their digital transformations. Hyperscalers are starting from scratch, completely reimagining how networks should be built and operated. Their clouds, numerous network-related experiments over the past decade, and raft of new network-related technologies on the road map […]

Hyperscalers’ cloud-based modern network architecture provides strategic advantage over legacy network technologies

Hyperscaler-built networks will look very different from traditional networks Hyperscalers are building end-to-end networks that embody all the attributes and characteristics coveted by communication service providers (CSPs) as part of their digital transformations. The most significant differences are in the software stack and the access layer, where new technologies enable hyperscalers to build dense mesh […]

Hyperscalers are reimagining how networks are built, owned and operated

Hyperscaler-built networks will look very different from traditional networks Hyperscalers are building end-to-end networks that embody all the attributes and characteristics coveted by communication service providers (CSPs) as part of their digital transformations. The most significant differences are in the software stack and the access layer, where new technologies enable hyperscalers to build dense mesh […]

2022 Predictions: Telecom

Join Principal Analyst Chris Antlitz Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022, for an in-depth, exclusive review of Top 3 Predictions for Telecom in 2022, part of TBR’s Predictions special series examining market trends and business changes in key markets, such as cloud, IT services, digital transformation and telecom.  Don’t miss: How supply-demand imbalances could impact the pace […]

Hyperscalers are poised to disrupt the private cellular networks market over the next few years

Hyperscalers are poised to disrupt the private cellular networks market through their ecosystems, platforms and marketplaces Hyperscalers (especially Amazon, Google and Microsoft) intend to standardize, modularize and verticalize private cellular networks (PCN)-related solutions inside their ecosystems, platforms and marketplaces, especially as it pertains to 5G and edge computing. Hyperscalers are focused on hiding the complexity […]

Top 3 Predictions for Telecom in 2022

Telecom industry faces new challenges in the post-pandemic era 2022 will be a transition year for the telecom industry After emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic relatively unscathed, the telecom industry is entering a new phase and faces a new set of challenges. These challenges include navigating a supply chain left in shambles due to the impact of […]

Webscales are simultaneously moving into multiple trillion-dollar industries, including telecom

Webscales need to enter and disrupt trillion-dollar industries to maintain growth trajectories and sustain stock valuations Transportation (e.g., connected vehicles), logistics, financial services, healthcare, telecom and other sectors each represent at least a trillion dollars in economic value globally, and webscales are targeting each of these industries for disruption. Webscales need to rapidly scale their […]