Entries by Chris Antlitz, Principal Analyst

Leading enterprises are planning massive investments in DT; 5G implicated in many cases

Leading enterprises intend to spend big on digital transformation, which in many cases implicates 5G Leading companies in their respective verticals, such as Amazon, Walmart, Walgreens, Ford and Deere & Co., are preparing to make relatively large investments in digital transformation (DT) over the next few years as they adjust to the post-pandemic new normal, […]

COVID-19 pandemic forces telecom industry to go all in on digital transformation

CSPs face brave new world; government stimulate market The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to persist through at least 2021 as vaccines and other virus mitigation efforts take time to make their way through societies globally. In the meantime, the global economy remains in a state of suspended animation following unprecedented injections of fiscal and monetary […]

Webscales will ultimately become more like competitors than partners to operators to capitalize on 5G-era opportunities

Webscales are not the telco’s friend The Big Nine have various initiatives underway that will disrupt aspects of the telecom business model and pose a direct threat to operators’ existing connectivity businesses and their ability to capitalize on new value created from 5G. Though webscales are posturing like they want to partner with telcos on […]

NFV and SDN are transformational technologies, and even leading CSPs are in the early stages of evolving

Despite market and complexity challenges, CSP spend on NFV/SDN will grow at a TBR-projected 32.4% CAGR from 2019 to 2024 to nearly $147B NFV/SDN spend will increase at a CAGR of 32.4% to $146.9 billion between 2019 and 2024, compared to nearly flat overall communication service provider (CSP) spend (capex plus external opex) for the […]

Enterprise interest in 5G has greatly increased since the pandemic began, pulling forward adoption timelines

Global 2000 companies and governments will drive the vast majority of spend on private 5G infrastructure Global 2000-sized companies and governments have the scale, financial resources and technical acumen to handle the complexity of 5G and realize its full benefits. TBR estimates over 90% of private 5G investment will stem from these entities through mid-decade, […]

COVID-19 fallout unlocks unique opportunities for the telecom industry to build out edge infrastructure

vRAN will become a major driver of edge compute scale-outs Communication service providers (CSPs) that are driving forward with virtualized radio access network (vRAN), most notably Rakuten and Dish, will build many thousands of edge sites over the next few years to support their vRAN topologies. These edge sites will need to be located within […]

Unprecedented government support will help CSPs deploy 5G more quickly and broadly than originally anticipated

CSP spend on 5G infrastructure will scale faster and peak higher than originally anticipated due to the vast amount of support by governments in a range of countries, including but not limited to China, the U.S., the U.K., Japan, South Korea and Singapore. Due to this, typical historical deployment curves for cellular technologies will not […]

The Big Nine are trailblazing paths to economic value of the digital era; incumbent players need to determine their roles

Big Nine aim to own the foundational, intelligent innovation platforms of the digital economy The Big Nine — Alibaba (NYSE: BABA), Alphabet (Nasdaq: GOOGL), Amazon (Nasdaq: AMZN), Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL), Baidu (Nasdaq: BIDU), Facebook (Nasdaq: FB), Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT), Rakuten  and Tencent — view 5G and distributed computing as innovation platforms on top of which […]

COVID-19 will have a relatively limited impact on the TIS market overall as CSPs remain committed to and focused on deploying new technologies

Strong investments by webscales and China-based telcos will carry the telecom infrastructure services (TIS) market through the COVID-19 crisis relatively intact, with a shallow decline of relatively short duration expected in the overall market followed by a robust, sustained recovery as CSPs in other key countries accelerate their infrastructure initiatives to align with the new […]

Telecom operators felt the effects from COVID-19 in 1Q20; the impact on telecom vendors will be more pronounced in 2Q20

Telecom market impact COVID-19 impacted the telecom industry during 1Q20 on different levels, with telecom operators feeling the initial effects during the quarter. TBR believes telecom vendors were initially shielded from the early effects, but we anticipate a deeper negative impact on both operators and vendors in 2Q20 as the pandemic plays out. Though company […]