Collaboration enables software vendors to purpose-design solutions optimized for each quantum architecture

The rise of quantum components vendors

TBR research shows that quantum components vendors are gaining steam, even though a commercial-grade quantum system has not yet been made available. This is atypical and highlights the fact that the quantum computing market landscape is one in which discoveries are made in tandem across hardware, software and services — unlike the classical computing market. The variety of smaller firms working on quantum computing components indicates that once a commercially viable system is developed, scaling will be faster than if system vendors had to develop all unique components in-house.

Collaboration still has roadblocks

While the quantum community is working to remove communication barriers to increase the speed at which scientific discoveries can take place, there are roadblocks to fully open communication, such as governments incentivizing working locally and imposing barriers to exports such as tariffs. While you cannot place a tariff on thoughts, these types of actions could also hamper collaboration and information sharing.

The race for qubit volume continues

Qubit volume remains the key measuring stick of progress in the quantum computing community, and as a result, increasing qubit volume is a common goal across quantum system vendors’ road maps. However, physical qubit volume alone does not predict success. Achieving an increased volume of logical qubits will be the ultimate way that quantum system performance will improve.

TBR’s Quantum Computing Market Landscape, which is global in scope, deep dives into the quantum computing-related initiatives of key players in the space. It lays out the vendor landscape, details current leaders and laggards, and discusses the differing strategies of vendors in the market. The report discusses alliances as well as the tie-ins between quantum computing vendors and their nonquantum computing counterparts. Predictions around use cases and workloads that will benefit initially from quantum computing are explored as well as current customer sentiment around the technology.

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