mimik pioneers a unique hybrid edge cloud solution that empowers the localized autonomy of devices
The journey to capitalize on the edge is rooted in deep telco experience, coupled with a passion for breaking boundaries
A brief history lesson is important to understand how mimik came to be. It was during her tenure as CEO of Vodafone xone that mimik CEO and founder Fay Arjomandi realized the growing importance of decentralizing data analytics and processing to the edge. Through the testing of capacity improvement and utilization of network traffic, Arjomandi noted the inherent delay that occurs when traffic hits a data center, causing extensive issues such as bottlenecks as data struggles to reach the back end of the application. This was all occurring in the context of the rapid evolution of devices themselves, increasing not only in sheer volume but also in sophistication.
Arjomandi came to the realization that the existing architecture of the time was not equipped to support the ongoing shift to a hyperconnected digital world where almost every object can be smart. The future is not about vertically integrated devices that communicate in a linear fashion to the cloud or on-premises data center environments, but rather will be rooted in horizontal platforms where data can be processed and exchanged across diverse networks, platforms and systems. Created in the context of IoT but viewed with new eyes as the Internet of Systems versus “things,” mimik pioneered a new architecture in the form of a hybrid cloud edge solution that enables any computing device to act as a cloud server with the ability to communicate autonomously and locally and to make decisions across and within networks.
Empowering local systems to make autonomous decisions is mimik’s core value
By virtue of placing enterprise applications closer to where data is created and where insights are actionable, edge devices have always maintained some degree of autonomy. That said, there has also been an underlying perception that the cloud has an umbilical-cord-like function in that it ultimately serves as the main governing force and point at which most of the data is processed, analyzed and housed. mimik has cut the cord, recognizing that as IT becomes increasingly decentralized, localized servers and sensors are evolving beyond mere endpoints and becoming part of powerful systems that can function independently of the cloud. mimik’s Hybrid edgeCloud application development platform was born out of the realization that applications can interact locally with the power to function as clusters of communities that communicate, inform and analyze data at the source.
The edge has traditionally been viewed as a localized extension of the cloud, providing a 1+1=3 opportunity to capitalize on the inherent benefits of the cloud with localized data processing and reduced latency. In the context of an increasingly hyperconnected world, the devices and sensors that interact at the edge are taking a central role, driving more and more use cases, rather than acting just as add-ons to amplify the value of the cloud. By focusing on what devices can accomplish as part of interconnected systems at the edge, mimik, a Canada-based technology firm, has emerged with an advanced out-of-the-box solution, Hybrid edgeCloud, which enables any computing device to act as a cloud server. The multiple positive implications include lowered latency, reduced constraints on network bandwidth, heightened security and decreased cost of cloud hosting — all due to the reduction of traffic traveling to and from the cloud and the enhanced connectivity within and between systems of devices.
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