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884 search results for: 4


Humble, focused and ambitious: Infosys’ story in Europe sets the stage for sustainable growth

Infosys’ localization initiative pays off as Europe-based clients opt-in for price-competitive services that are aligned with their overall vision Hosted at Infosys’ Design and Innovation Studio in London, the Infosys Leadership Forum provided attendees with a glimpse into how Infosys is taking an active role in shaping “digital Europe” from both a skills and capabilities […]


5G market update: Insights from TBR’s Telecom team

The global 5G market is entering the ramp stage. Driven by China, the U.S., South Korea and select countries that were among the early deployers of the technology, communication service providers (CSPs) in other countries will begin adopting and deploying 5G over the next five years. Unprecedented government stimulus targeted at the ICT sector and […]