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884 search results for: 4


Evolutionary IoT: Starting small and controlling costs

Data must earn its keep Internet of Things (IoT) projects range from small to huge, and the small end of the spectrum is where we find growth. TBR believes that organizations that successfully exploit the enormous transformative potential of IoT do it through widespread and continual execution of IoT projects, and through ongoing generation of […]


Distributors and VARs: The unsung heroes of the IoT market

The background Commercial IoT has received substantial press over the last three years. It started in 2015 with hyped claims of IoT’s ability to deliver total transformation, but expectations around the technology have matured and IoT is now viewed as a reasonable technique for solving business problems. However, one thing has not changed: When it […]


Interoperability, consumerism and patient engagement remain perennial health IT imperatives

Following a handful of activities that took place during the preceding weekend, including the CIO Forum opening reception, HIMSS 2019 officially kicked off on Feb. 11. Nashville, Tenn.-based Change Healthcare, a 15,000-employee provider of revenue cycle management and clinical data exchange solutions, made headlines immediately with the announcement it will launch a new solution on […]


What an energy sector use case teaches us about getting digital transformation right

TBR has kept a close eye on the energy sector as macroeconomic pressures have forced adoption of digital solutions to problems as old as oil itself. As the business of providing digital transformation services has evolved, TBR has increasingly seen use cases proving substantive, transformative change for companies not in the news or in every […]


Key findings from TBR’s 2H18 Hyperconverged Platforms Customer Research

TBR forecasts the HCI market will reach $15 billion by 2023, representing a significant growth opportunity for data center vendors. Survey incidence data indicate that the majority of potential customers have not yet begun their hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) journey. Emerging solutions, such as Lenovo’s TruScale Infrastructure Services and AWS Outposts have the potential to shake […]


AI chips: Explosive growth of deep learning is leading to rapid evolution of diverse, dedicated processors

Artificial intelligence (AI) utilization has been accelerating rapidly for more than 10 years, as decreases in memory, storage and computation cost have made an increasing number of applications cost-effective. The technique of deep learning has emerged as the most useful. Large public websites such as Facebook (Nasdaq: FB) and Amazon (Nasdaq: AMZN), with enormous stores […]


Inside IBM earnings: Global Business, Technology Services help Big Blue beat Street

We expect IBM to invest in DT sales and delivery talent to improve signings and achieve sustainable and profitable revenue growth. GBS reported growth of 4.1% in 4Q18 as IBM Services’ technical and industry expertise resonate well with clients, transitioning its pipeline to revenue growth. GTS revenue declined 3.8% during the quarter, following declines in […]