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884 search results for: 4


Hyperscalers’ cloud-based modern network architecture provides strategic advantage over legacy network technologies

Hyperscaler-built networks will look very different from traditional networks Hyperscalers are building end-to-end networks that embody all the attributes and characteristics coveted by communication service providers (CSPs) as part of their digital transformations. The most significant differences are in the software stack and the access layer, where new technologies enable hyperscalers to build dense mesh […]


Hyperscalers are reimagining how networks are built, owned and operated

Hyperscaler-built networks will look very different from traditional networks Hyperscalers are building end-to-end networks that embody all the attributes and characteristics coveted by communication service providers (CSPs) as part of their digital transformations. The most significant differences are in the software stack and the access layer, where new technologies enable hyperscalers to build dense mesh […]


Demand for 5G infrastructure is becoming more robust, though commercial deployments will be delayed by supply chain headwinds in the short term

Supply-demand imbalance delays pace of 5G market development The pandemic has prompted enterprises and governments to pull forward and broaden the scope of their digital transformations, primarily for business resiliency and cost-reduction purposes but also for tapping into new market opportunities. There is significant interest among governments and enterprises across verticals in leveraging 5G and […]


Conversion, integration and ecosystems drive SaaS growth

Applications serve as the vessel for cloud’s business value  Value, in the form of agility, innovation and efficiency, is now the driving force behind customers’ cloud investments. Applications, in the form of SaaS, are the purest vessel for customers to implement and achieve the value they so desperately want in order to improve their businesses. […]