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851 search results for: 8


Key findings from TBR’s upcoming HCI customer research

Hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) is a growing market ripe with opportunity for vendors. TBR forecasts the market will reach $11.7 billion by 2022. Although TBR research indicates that incumbent vendors with a strong presence in the converged infrastructure (CI) market, such as Dell EMC and Cisco, have an advantage in the space, findings also indicate that […]


Why partners are absolutely vital to Lenovo

If you take a look at industry benchmarks, such as those recently published by Technology Business Research, you see Lenovo outscoring its peers in customer satisfaction[1] in almost every attribute, giving Lenovo the highest overall score. And, for the tenth straight year, IBM and Lenovo servers again achieved top rankings[2] in ITIC’s 2017-2018 Global Server […]


SAIC sees more market stability & another CR in September

To remain competitive in those (SETA) areas may require engaging in M&A to add scale; alternatively, moving up the value chain means investing more in applications development and higher-skilled talent. SAIC has options, and its next choices will determine its fate in a rapidly changing industry. — Joey Cresta, Analyst Full Article


JEDI’s disruption may go beyond the cloud

That shift is “elevating consensus-building into a prerequisite for embarking on disruptive technology adoption” for desired government outcomes. — Joey Cresta, Analyst Full Article


Competition will intensify in the U.S. telecom market heading into 2020 due to the launch of 5G services and the potential T-Mobile/Sprint merger

HAMPTON, N.H. (June 8, 2018) — Wireless revenue rose 3.1% year-to-year to $58.4 billion among U.S. carriers covered in Technology Business Research Inc.’s (TBR) 1Q18 U.S. & Canada Mobile Operator Benchmark as higher equipment revenue spurred by the adoption of premium devices offset continuing service revenue declines. Increased adoption of premium devices is benefiting equipment […]


Success of GitHub deal hinges on Azure’s open source appeal

Microsoft is of the mindset that once it gets a customer on Azure, it can expand the account from there. In an ideal world, this acquisition could start developers thinking of Microsoft as a ‘go-to’ in terms of open source. — Kelsey Mason, Senior Analyst Full Article


JEDI is the force leading AWS’ charge into the U.S. Department of Defense

The DOD’s JEDI cloud contract illustrates how IT prowess enables a strong national security posture. Central governments, even more than the largest commercial enterprises, struggle to keep pace with the current rate of technological change. Many times, major decisions do not occur proactively, but rather are made in response to gaps in capabilities that become […]


5G will support growth in the deployment and professional services markets, while slowing the decline of maintenance spend due to decommissioning and NFV/SDN

HAMPTON, N.H. (May 31, 2018) — According to Technology Business Research, Inc.’s (TBR) Telecom Infrastructure Services North America Market Forecast 2017-2022, the North America telecom infrastructure services (TIS) market will grow through the forecast period for three key reasons: Tax reform will stimulate capex investment; digital transformation initiatives will drive spend; and 5G investment will […]


Analysis: HP thrives on consolidation, enjoys a strong quarter in all its businesses

Despite its central position in two flat markets, personal computers and printing, HP has reported double-digit annual revenue growth in both, and double-digit operating profit growth in PCs for its most recent quarter. Growth in printing was, in part, inorganic, following on the company’s acquisition of Samsung’s print business, named S-print. At the same time, […]


Analysis: Lenovo can see light at end of tunnel as PC, data center businesses grow

Lenovo last week reported double-digit revenue and operating profit growth as its core PC and Smart Devices (PCSD) business thrived with 15.9% annual revenue growth and its Data Center Group enjoyed 43.8% year-to-year growth. The Moto mobile devices business shrunk, however, recording a 24.3% reduction in revenue. Profitability improved across all three groups, with increased […]