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819 search results for: 8


5G market update: Insights from TBR’s Telecom team

The global 5G market is entering the ramp stage. Driven by China, the U.S., South Korea and select countries that were among the early deployers of the technology, communication service providers (CSPs) in other countries will begin adopting and deploying 5G over the next five years. Unprecedented government stimulus targeted at the ICT sector and […]


VMware’s Chapter 3 outline hinges on a more comprehensive portfolio and multicloud partnerships

TBR perspective With the looming separation from Dell Technologies (NYSE: DELL) and departure of long-trusted CEO Pat Gelsinger, 2021 has undoubtedly been a turbulent year for VMware (NYSE: VMW). Since effectively taking over as CEO on June 1, Raghu Raghuram has been tasked with executing on Gelsinger’s vision of bringing the same virtualization products trusted […]


Lenovo Turnkey Solutions: How Lenovo’s art of the practical enables clients to practice the art of the possible

New offerings built on a smart long-term strategy In advance of Lenovo’s Oct. 18 announcement of Lenovo Turnkey Solutions, executives with the company’s Industry Solutions group briefed TBR on elements of the new offering. In building the turnkey solutions, executives emphasized Lenovo’s continued focus in three critical areas: simplicity, core competencies and smart partnering. Keeping […]


Hardware as a Service: 4Q21 insights from TBR’s Data Center team

Sometimes referred to as DaaS (Device as a Service), XaaS (Anything as a Service) or consumption-based models, hardware subscription offerings have become abundant in the market as vendors compete to build lasting customer relationships. Join Principal Analyst & Practice Manager Angela Lambert and Senior Analyst Eric Costa Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2021, for a discussion on […]


IT services and digital transformation: 4Q21 insights from TBR’s Professional Services team

With IT services again enabling digital transformation, DeFi shifts blockchain into higher gear As vendors address clients’ needs around cost optimization and IT transformation, many are beginning to eye investing in next frontiers such as sustainability, product engineering services and blockchain for growth. However, vendors must overcome skills shortage gaps in these domains before they […]


Hyperscalers begin to shift capex from central cloud build-outs to edge cloud build-outs

Hyperscalers’ focus is on creating value from distributed computing Hyperscalers are at the cusp of scaling out their edge computing deployments as they focus on creating value from distributed computing, which is a key foundational aspect of their digital ecosystem initiatives. They must pivot from centralized data center build-outs to building out the edge to […]


TBR projects CSP spend on edge compute infrastructure will grow at a 46.1% CAGR from 2020 to 2025 and reach $100B

Key Insights The Big Nine hyperscalers will collectively outspend the combined outlays of telcos and cablecos on edge compute infrastructure before the middle of this decade.   All Big Nine hyperscalers are investing in the edge in some way. Amazon, Microsoft and Google have global ambitions for edge, though and the hyperscalers intend to partner […]


TBR releases exclusive webinar content from September 2021

Technology Business Research, Inc. (TBR) announces on-demand availability of its September 2021 webinars. September webinars featured best practices developing in the cloud space and how and why webscales are disrupting the telecom industry. How ecosystems turn cloud technology into solutions Principal Analyst Allan Krans and Senior Analyst Evan Woollacott discuss the evolving ecosystem among cloud […]