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146 search results for: 52


Unchecked cloud IoT costs can quickly spiral upward

The amount of data you transmit and store and analyze is potentially infinite. You can measure things however often you want. And if you measure it often, the amount of data grows without bounds. — Ezra Gottheil, Principal Analyst Full Article


Success of GitHub deal hinges on Azure’s open source appeal

Microsoft is of the mindset that once it gets a customer on Azure, it can expand the account from there. In an ideal world, this acquisition could start developers thinking of Microsoft as a ‘go-to’ in terms of open source. — Kelsey Mason, Senior Analyst Full Article


Practical info on tap at SAP Sapphire Now 2018

It will be interesting to see how they take all of their various [CRM] front-office assets — Hybris, Callidus, Gigya — and create one comprehensive suite and how they tie Leonardo, specifically the AI and IoT aspects, to that portfolio. I expect that CRM rebrand to share center stage with S/4HANA and SAP Leonardo, and […]


ServiceNow positions Now Platform as workflow engine

This is something they should have done six to 12 months ago when there was this huge buzz around DevOps. As a budding platform, I thought they would have emphasized it sooner. — Meaghan McGrath, Senior Analyst Full Article


ServiceNow Virtual Agent looks to bolster AI strategy

I see [ServiceNow] pivoting out of the IT department a bit, which has been an ongoing theme for them. They are moving towards business users, trying to tie them in closer to the broader base of enterprise users. Even [for] the requests that make it through to IT, the system points users back to the […]