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884 search results for: 4


Why asset-based IT services will rule 2019

Join Patrick M. Heffernan for a roundtable discussion with TBR’s Professional Services senior analysts as they deep dive into one of TBR’s expectations for the IT services market in 2019, including the impact of asset-based IT services on vendors, their partners and the IT services market overall. After exploring basic ideas around asset-based services, the […]


IT services expectations for 2019: Assets, industries and human transformation

Join Patrick M. Heffernan for a roundtable discussion with TBR’s Professional Services senior analysts on three trends in the IT services market expected to pick up steam in 2019. The team will discuss the shift toward asset-based services and how assets will continue to change the IT services business model. The team will also reflect […]


IoT customer maturity

Customers, like vendors, are just beginning to figure out IoT While Internet of Things (IoT) has been around for decades, for most customers, like most vendors, IoT is still very new. To derive the greatest value from the IoT approach, a customer has to have integrated, coordinated, cross-disciplinary teams creating solutions. Even experienced companies are […]


Crossing the chasm: Transforming from a CSP to a DSP

Communication service providers (CSPs) are embarking on transformation journeys to evolve into digital service providers (DSPs), leveraging nascent technologies such as software-mediated networking (NFV/SDN), cloud, 5G, analytics, automation and artificial intelligence. During the webinar, TBR will provide its definition of a DSP and characterize how a CSP can evolve into a DSP. Join Telecom Senior […]


U.S. operators will improve service revenue in 2H18 via continued subscriber growth and adoption of premium unlimited data plans

HAMPTON, N.H. (Sept. 11, 2018) — Wireless revenue rose 2.4% year-to-year to $59.1 billion among U.S. carriers covered in Technology Business Research Inc.’s (TBR) 2Q18 U.S. & Canada Mobile Operator Benchmark. The increase came as a result of higher equipment revenue spurred by the adoption of premium devices as well as improving service revenue trends. […]


Agile-ready everything: An India-centric special scenario

In Technology Business Research’s (TBR) April 2018 Global Delivery Benchmark, we noted that reskilling existing resources is taking precedence over aggressive hiring, resulting in decelerating headcount growth for the 14 benchmarked vendors in 4Q17. While vendors claim that digital-related revenues contribute from 25% to over 55% of their total services sales, existing engagements continue to […]


Data center builds and expansions, along with AI investments, will drive webscale ‘Super 7’ ICT capex to $69B by 2022

HAMPTON, N.H. (Sept. 6, 2018) — According to Technology Business Research, Inc.’s (TBR) 3Q18 Webscale ICT Market Landscape, webscale ICT capex for the “Super 7” will grow at a 26.2% CAGR to over $69 billion in 2022 as these top webscales aim to future-proof business-critical infrastructure and map network capacity to data traffic growth, which […]


BFSI: An India-centric special scenario

Two up, two down Four of the India-centric vendors share similar assessments of IT investments, predicting they will improve behind spend from larger-enterprise banking clients, with growth in digital implementations, mobility, and modernization of legacy IT infrastructures and applications portfolios. The divergence in performance in 2Q18 likely reflects one-time or short-term changes at large clients […]


Digital transformation advances analytics and insights

Realizing the dream of AI-embedded business processes must start with people and data management Every enterprise looks to use emerging technologies to cut costs, grow revenue or create new business models. The combination of changes in how people work and what new technologies can best be applied creates massive opportunities for services vendors. This new […]