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336 search results for: 12


Technology Business Research, Inc. announces 3Q18 webinar schedule

HAMPTON, N.H. (May 22, 2018) — Technology Business Research, Inc. (TBR) announces the schedule for its 3Q18 webinar series. July 11          Wallet vs. will: Transformation of government technology adoption Aug. 8           Revenue growth drivers and opportunities in the IT services market Aug. 15        IoT vendor roles Sept. 12       Going inside customers’ minds to predict the […]


ServiceNow positions Now Platform as workflow engine

This is something they should have done six to 12 months ago when there was this huge buzz around DevOps. As a budding platform, I thought they would have emphasized it sooner. — Meaghan McGrath, Senior Analyst Full Article


As the telecom industry drives open source for interoperability more operators benefit from NFV and SDN, but incumbent suppliers face significant disruption

HAMPTON, N.H. (April 12, 2018) — According to TBR’s 1Q18 NFV/SDN Telecom Market Landscape, open-source groups will spur NFV and SDN adoption by establishing industry standards that foster interoperability among a broader range of solution providers. Operators are also facilitating NFV and SDN adoption by targeting new hires with relevant skill sets, retraining existing employees […]


HITS vendors met a throng of sector-specific and external headwinds to round out 2017

HAMPTON, N.H. (Jan. 10, 2018) — Healthcare IT services (HITS) trailing 12-month revenue continued to slow in 3Q17, falling to 3.8% in 3Q17 from 5.4% in 2Q17. The ongoing trend of decelerating sales growth owes largely to a dearth of strategic acquisitions by the HITS companies tracked by Technology Business Research, Inc. (TBR), turbulence in […]