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299 search results for: 12


TBR predicts total enterprise spend on edge infrastructure will grow at a 41% CAGR through 2024 to almost $120B

Webscale drives projected forecast for enterprise edge On Feb. 26, TBR senior analysts Nicki Catchpole and Stephanie Long were joined by hundreds of professionals across multiple vendors and verticals for TBR’s first webinar on the enterprise edge. The session, The emerging and evolving landscape of enterprise edge computing, focused on the components of the enterprise […]


U.S. Telecom Operator Outlook: Public Sector Revenue Growth for 2024 [Infographic]

TBR estimates public sector revenue from U.S.-based service providers grew 6.1% year-to-year in 4Q23 to $5.4 billion. Total public sector revenue growth was driven by wireless revenue, which increased 9% year-to-year to an estimated $2.8 billion. First responder initiatives such as AT&T FirstNet and Verizon Frontline are the main drivers of public sector wireless revenue growth as these units are attracting public safety agencies seeking enhanced reliability to support mission-critical workloads and use cases.