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587 search results for: stem


Digital and Compaq: A cautionary tale for IBM and Red Hat

Big mergers bring big risks: Compaq and Digital Equipment Corporation, a tragicomedy Compaq proved in the early 1980s you could buy non-IBM hardware and not get fired in the process by creating a portable PC that could be lugged around by weightlifters. Ultimately, Compaq struggled trying to move up the stack into the peer-to-peer networking […]


Dell EMC Services enables clients’ transformation to modern IT infrastructure environments

Dell Technologies’ core competencies remain rooted in products and infrastructure The keynote sessions began with a Dell Technologies Capital update by Scott Darling, president of the venture arm. This group manages investments for all of Dell Technologies’ strategic business units, including Boomi, VMware, RSA, Secureworks, Virtustream, Dell EMC and Dell. Dell Technologies Capital has spent […]


Services Weekly Preview: November 26-30, 2018

In this magical time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, despite racing to get as much analysis and as many predictions published before the new year, we’re able to enjoy a slight pause in the usual news cycle and company activity to reflect on 2018 and predict what will be coming in 2019. In two upcoming webinars, […]


IoT is getting a lot easier

While it is too early to say that the Internet of Things (IoT) market is fully mature, it is maturing. The first three years of the IoT era were filled with extravagant claims, inadequate products and services, and a chaotic partner ecosystem. Starting in 2018 and accelerating throughout 2019 and 2020, more customers will come […]


Services Weekly Preview: November 19-21

Before we celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday and recover from all that food on Friday, we will publish some of our periodic analysis of IT services vendors, management consulting profiles, and special reports. Here’s what’s coming: Monday: TBR’s 3Q18 Booz Allen Hamilton full report will provide analysis on one of the federal market’s most forward-thinking and risk-taking […]


5G will be an evolution, not a revolution

Insights from TBR’s 2019 Telecom Predictions Communication service providers (CSPs) are focusing on network transformation, which is a key component of their broader digital transformations. CSPs will leverage 5G and other next-generation technologies, such as virtualization, artificial intelligence and automation, as part of their network transformations to reduce costs and build a foundation that can […]


Voice assistant volume is increasing

A survey conducted by Adobe Analytics found that 32% of U.S. consumers owned a smart speaker in September 2018, compared to 28% in December 2017. The report also projected that near half of the U.S. consumer base could own one by the end of December 2018, supported by Adobe Analytics’ finding that nearly 80% of […]