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851 search results for: 8


Carriers are fostering deeper partnerships with webscales to support growing enterprise demand for hybrid and multi-cloud environments

HAMPTON, N.H. (April 20, 2018) — Combined Cloud as a Service revenue for telecom operators in Technology Business Research Inc.’s (TBR) 4Q17 Carrier Cloud Benchmark rose 15.7% year-to-year in 4Q17 due to strategic acquisitions and alliances, investments in new data centers, and portfolio expansion in growth segments such as SaaS and hybrid cloud. Cloud revenue […]


As the telecom industry drives open source for interoperability more operators benefit from NFV and SDN, but incumbent suppliers face significant disruption

HAMPTON, N.H. (April 12, 2018) — According to TBR’s 1Q18 NFV/SDN Telecom Market Landscape, open-source groups will spur NFV and SDN adoption by establishing industry standards that foster interoperability among a broader range of solution providers. Operators are also facilitating NFV and SDN adoption by targeting new hires with relevant skill sets, retraining existing employees […]


A wave of health IT innovations still struggling to crack entrenched industry roadblocks

Lack of ubiquitous interoperability a lingering vexation in the healthcare sector TBR believes the pace of health IT innovations will continue, and even accelerate, especially as value-based care takes hold of the healthcare sector. However, full realization of the benefits of new healthcare technologies will continue to be deferred until we have, according to the […]


Super 7 webscale ICT capex spend will reach over $63B by 2022, driven by investments in network capacity and data center builds and expansions

HAMPTON, N.H. (March 2, 2018) — According to Technology Business Research, Inc.’s (TBR) 1Q18 Webscale ICT Market Landscape, Super 7 webscale ICT capex will grow at a 19.5% CAGR to over $63 billion in 2022 as these companies continue to invest in network capacity to support traffic growth, and data center builds and expansions to […]


9 floors of innovation, intelligence and industry

Nine floors filled with experts, emerging technologies, partners and clients, all centered on a simple formula: innovation, intelligence and industry, plus rotation to the new while developing new skills. Counting down to today; investing in tomorrow A bit of history: Five years ago, Accenture dedicated its Bangalore assets to delivery, focusing on quality, productivity and […]


Higher demand for cloud- and software-mediated network solutions drove stronger revenue among leading enterprise NIS suppliers

HAMPTON, N.H. (Jan. 11, 2018) — According to Technology Business Research, Inc.’s (TBR) 3Q17 Network Infrastructure Services Benchmark, migration to cloud- and software-mediated network infrastructure accelerated, spurring low-single-digit growth among benchmarked network infrastructure services (NIS) suppliers, including growth in all benchmarked services subsegments. “The enterprise network is evolving as large enterprises, in particular, build cloud […]


HITS vendors met a throng of sector-specific and external headwinds to round out 2017

HAMPTON, N.H. (Jan. 10, 2018) — Healthcare IT services (HITS) trailing 12-month revenue continued to slow in 3Q17, falling to 3.8% in 3Q17 from 5.4% in 2Q17. The ongoing trend of decelerating sales growth owes largely to a dearth of strategic acquisitions by the HITS companies tracked by Technology Business Research, Inc. (TBR), turbulence in […]


Equipment vendors continue to struggle with lower sales volume, while IT services and software-centric companies enjoy growth, thanks to digital

HAMPTON, N.H. (Jan. 5, 2018) — According to Technology Business Research, Inc.’s (TBR) 3Q17 Telecom Infrastructure Services Benchmark, leading vendors are making significant strategy changes and retrenching around their core competencies to weather subdued communication service provider (CSP) spend. “Leading vendors are realizing they must transform themselves before they can effectively help their customers transform,” […]


IT incumbents beware: Startup disruption has only just begun

The Collision conference highlighted the dynamic world of startups, particularly those chasing growth opportunities around disruptive technologies — similar to the business strategies established IT players such as IBM (NYSE: IBM) and Accenture (NYSE: ACN) are moving toward. Though unequipped for enterprisewide, consulting-led digital transformation engagements, startups will likely increasingly challenge traditional systems integrators (SIs) […]