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884 search results for: 4


ServiceNow positions Now Platform as workflow engine

This is something they should have done six to 12 months ago when there was this huge buzz around DevOps. As a budding platform, I thought they would have emphasized it sooner. — Meaghan McGrath, Senior Analyst Full Article


ServiceNow Virtual Agent looks to bolster AI strategy

I see [ServiceNow] pivoting out of the IT department a bit, which has been an ongoing theme for them. They are moving towards business users, trying to tie them in closer to the broader base of enterprise users. Even [for] the requests that make it through to IT, the system points users back to the […]


Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure reveals turnaround strategy

A TBR analysis report indicates that Sprint’s post-paid subscriber additions improved year-over year (39,000 in 1Q18 vs –118,000 in 1Q17). The company lost 165,000 wholesale subscribers and faced falling ARPU due to the carrier’s pricing promotions, contributing to wireless revenue falling 4.6 percent. — Steve Vachon, Analyst Full Article


Carriers are fostering deeper partnerships with webscales to support growing enterprise demand for hybrid and multi-cloud environments

HAMPTON, N.H. (April 20, 2018) — Combined Cloud as a Service revenue for telecom operators in Technology Business Research Inc.’s (TBR) 4Q17 Carrier Cloud Benchmark rose 15.7% year-to-year in 4Q17 due to strategic acquisitions and alliances, investments in new data centers, and portfolio expansion in growth segments such as SaaS and hybrid cloud. Cloud revenue […]


Laundering money and funding terrorism cannot withstand analytics and AI

Despite banks’ substantial investments in technology, people and processes to meet regulations, they currently lack effective and efficient systems for tackling financial crimes such as money laundering and terrorist financing. Regulators cannot keep pace with change, and the time and investment to overhaul banks’ legacy systems are too great given the complexity of global organizations […]


A wave of health IT innovations still struggling to crack entrenched industry roadblocks

Lack of ubiquitous interoperability a lingering vexation in the healthcare sector TBR believes the pace of health IT innovations will continue, and even accelerate, especially as value-based care takes hold of the healthcare sector. However, full realization of the benefits of new healthcare technologies will continue to be deferred until we have, according to the […]


9 floors of innovation, intelligence and industry

Nine floors filled with experts, emerging technologies, partners and clients, all centered on a simple formula: innovation, intelligence and industry, plus rotation to the new while developing new skills. Counting down to today; investing in tomorrow A bit of history: Five years ago, Accenture dedicated its Bangalore assets to delivery, focusing on quality, productivity and […]