Market & Competitive Intelligence


Cross-functional teams with real-time, objective and independent intelligence on peers, partners and emerging players


Competitors and market leaders’ operational performance with best-in-class P&L statement teardowns, strategy analysis and go-to-market assessments


With validated and objective intelligence; facilitate constituents with world-class intelligence across your entire organization


  • Provides financial analysis for positioning firms relative to their peer group and specific competitors
  • Connects industry trends to market opportunity, size and growth
  • Quantifies the financial traction for vendor business strategies

Market Forecast

  • Identifies impact of emerging technologies and buyer trends on specific markets and leading vendors
  • Uses TBR’s bottom-up and top-down view of market — while many firms use customer adoption data and trends to build forecasts, TBR’s vendor forecasting and analysis around the impacts of trends on vendors is unique

Market Landscape

  • Profiles leading vendors in emerging opportunity areas
  • Dissects the business models of leading vendors in fast-changing emerging markets to help understand market trends, market opportunity, vendor strategies and tactics, go-to-market models and delivery model

Vendor Analysis

  • Breaks down vendor financial results to reveal financial truth and ROI of business and investment strategies
  • Puts vendor performance in the context of market opportunity and competitive environment
  • Provides assessment of where a vendor will succeed and future market position
  • Supports development of counter strategies to key competitors’ strategies
  • Helps you understand strategies and best (or worst) practices behind why key competitors are winning or losing in the current market

Customer Research

  • Identifies business opportunity through understanding how customers are making decisions
  • Decodes and provides customers’ true perceptions of vendors