Product & Service Management


Clarity on competitors’, leaders’ and laggards’ investment, go-to-market, financial and product & resource strategies


Peers’ strategy and marketing hype from actual quantitative financial performance


An externally validated and objective picture of your market and peers’ revenue, expense and profitability by product and service line


  • Provides financial analysis for specific market segments and leading vendors
  • Connects industry trends to market opportunity, size and growth
  • Quantifies the financial traction for vendor business strategies
  • Provides defensible, data-informed views of market opportunity and operational best practices

Market Forecast

  • Identifies impact of emerging technologies and buyer trends on specific markets and leading vendors
  • Uses TBR’s bottom-up and top-down view of market — while many firms use customer adoption data and trends to build forecasts, TBR’s vendor forecasting and analysis around the impacts of trends on vendors is unique

Market Landscape

  • Profiles leading vendors in emerging opportunity areas
  • Dissects the business models of leading vendors in fast-changing emerging markets to help understand market trends, market opportunity, vendor strategies and tactics, go-to-market models and delivery models

Vendor Analysis

  • Breaks down vendor financial results to reveal financial truth and ROI of business and investment strategies
  • Puts vendor performance in the context of market opportunity and competitive environment
  • Provides assessment of where a vendor will succeed and future market position
  • Helps you understand strategies and best (or worst) practices behind why key competitors are winning or losing in the current market

Customer Research

  • Identifies business opportunity through understanding how customers are making decisions
  • Decodes and provides customers’ true perceptions of vendors
  • Follows the opportunity shift from legacy to emerging technologies and platforms